Students at St Bernadette
Students at St Bernadette's Primary learnt about different cultures and traditions first hand.


Schools across the Diocese of Parramatta celebrated Harmony Day on 21 March. Harmony Day celebrates Australia’s cultural diversity reflected in this year's theme, ‘everyone belongs’.

Students from Holy Family Primary, East Granville were encouraged to wear something that represents their cultural heritage. More than 30 nationalities were celebrated as families were invited to share a picnic lunchand African-Brazilian dancers performed and taught students how to play the drums.

Students from St Nicholas of Myra Primary, Penrith celebrated Harmony Day with an ‘English-a-thon’ including fun activities based on book studies and a trivia quiz with questions based on students’ knowledge of favourite books. Students celebrated cultural diversity by wearing the traditional dress of their culture or the colour orange – the nationally-recognised colour of Harmony Day.

Orange clad students from St Bernadette’s Primary, Lalor Park invited parents and volunteers to take part in a number of activities and began their day with a moving prayer service where parents recited the prayers of faithful in their native language and their children said them in English.

Executive Director of Schools, Greg Whitby, said Harmony Day is an important occasion to celebrate the diversity of our school communities.

‘Harmony Day is a great opportunity for us to recognise the diverse cultural backgrounds of families in our school communities and promote understanding and a sense of belonging,’ said Greg.


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Catholic Schools Parramatta Diocese

Catholic Schools Parramatta Diocese


  • 31 Aug 2024

    From Facebook
    We are celebrating this lovely young girl's birthday today! She is super excited to go hunting for her chocolate eggs with her family and opening all her birthday presents! I hope you get to have cup cakes for dessert!

    29 Aug 2024

    From Facebook
    Wishing this cheerful young lady a happy birthday today! She is super excited to use her birthday clues to go on her present hunt at home! I hope you get to eat lots of yummy chocolate cheese cake!


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