St Bernadette's Primary Lalor Park

The students have been participating in weekly sessions run by Soccer Kickstart, these sessions focus on proven development systems that follow the Football Federation Australia curriculum.

Students are having a fantastic time developing their football skills in dynamic, inclusive, and high-quality sessions with fully qualified and experienced coaches.

Our Sport Captains have been hard at work organising and facilitating various sporting tournaments for the children at lunchtime. So far we have held a Primary Basketball tournament and an Infants Soccer tournament. This has been a wonderful opportunity for our Captains to offer an extra activity for the children and to encourage participation in team sport.

In the coming weeks and into next term the Captains will be hosting handball, dodge-ball and netball tournaments so please encourage your children to join a team and get involved.

St Bernadette's Primary Lalor Park


Written By

St Bernadette's Lalor Park

St Bernadette's Lalor Park


  • 31 Aug 2024

    From Facebook
    We are celebrating this lovely young girl's birthday today! She is super excited to go hunting for her chocolate eggs with her family and opening all her birthday presents! I hope you get to have cup cakes for dessert!

    29 Aug 2024

    From Facebook
    Wishing this cheerful young lady a happy birthday today! She is super excited to use her birthday clues to go on her present hunt at home! I hope you get to eat lots of yummy chocolate cheese cake!


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