St Bernadette's Catholic Primary Lalor Park

Since returning to school, our Stage 2 students have been hard at work! Lets review what they have been learning.


During Religion this Term, Stage 2 are developing their understanding of the Driving Question “How do we build loving relationships with others just like God did?”

To begin our unit of work, students participated in an entry event where they watched a short clip from the show “Old People’s Home for 4 Year Olds” and were invited to chat about what interactions they saw between the younger children and older adults. Stage 2 was quick to realise the loving relationships being displayed.

Students have used Scripture passages to understand the role that we as Christians have been given to be active stewards in our own lives. Students have done a wonderful job displaying their understanding through roleplays, brainstorming activities and creating a ‘stewardship tree’ which was added to the beautiful Religion learning wall in our Stage 2 space.


St Bernadette's Catholic Primary Lalor Park

Maths Warm Up

During Maths Warm Ups, students have been engaged in various Number activities designed to develop their mental strategies when adding and subtracting. They have played ‘Race to 30’, ‘Race to 50’ and ‘Headache’. Students can play these games at home. Maybe you could play against your child!


St Bernadette's Catholic Primary Lalor Park

St Bernadette's Catholic Primary Lalor Park

All the ways to be smart peacocks

At the start of the Term, Stage 2 read the book, All the Ways to Be Smart.

The students discovered that being ‘smart’ didn’t just mean brainy, clever, or being a genius. It was about recognising our own strengths, talents and things we are good at or like doing. Most importantly, it was recognising that being ‘smart’ means being our unique and special selves!

Stage 2 identified all the ways that they are ‘smart’ and wrote these on the feathers of a peacock. The colourful peacocks are displayed around our Stage 2 space as a reminder that we are all ‘smart’!


St Bernadette's Catholic Primary Lalor Park

Visual Arts

During Visual Arts, we have looked at some of the artworks created by Pete Cromer. He is a contemporary Australian Artist that uses Australian wildlife as his inspiration. His artworks have bursts of bright, glowing colours and he uses textures to create collages and paintings.

Using a template of an Australian animal, students used various mediums such as colour pencils, crayons, oil pastels and cut out shapes of coloured paper to create their own Pete Cromer inspired artwork. They too have bursts of bright colours and textures, and look amazing!


St Bernadette's Catholic Primary Lalor Park

St Bernadette's Catholic Primary Lalor Park

Written By

St Bernadette's Lalor Park

St Bernadette's Lalor Park


  • 31 Aug 2024

    From Facebook
    We are celebrating this lovely young girl's birthday today! She is super excited to go hunting for her chocolate eggs with her family and opening all her birthday presents! I hope you get to have cup cakes for dessert!

    29 Aug 2024

    From Facebook
    Wishing this cheerful young lady a happy birthday today! She is super excited to use her birthday clues to go on her present hunt at home! I hope you get to eat lots of yummy chocolate cheese cake!


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