St Bernadette's Lalor Park

Visual Arts:

During Visual Arts, students have begun an artwork that was not only inspired by the Australian Artist Ken Done, but also our excursion to The Rocks where we saw the iconic landmarks of Sydney earlier this Term.

After viewing and appreciating some of Ken Done’s amazing artworks of Sydney Harbour, students have begun to sketch the Opera House, the Harbour Bridge and some of the surrounding skyscrapers that make up the city of Sydney.

St Bernadette's Lalor Park

St Bernadette's Lalor Park

Students have been using lead pencil to sketch the landmarks using basic lines and shapes. Size and proportion are other elements that students are using while sketching. Using Ken Done’s bright and colourful artworks as inspiration, students will then use watercolours to paint their sketch.

We can’t wait to see these amazing artworks finished!

Pen Licences:

St Bernadette's Lalor Park

This term Year 4 students are working hard to receive their Pen Licence!

Correct letter formation, entry and exit flicks, joining letters and legibility are all part of the criteria for the students to achieve their pen licence.

As you can see from the smiles on the students’ faces who have received their pen licence, it is a very exciting rite of passage for Year 4 students!


This Term during Geography, the students will be exploring the inquiry question, How is Australia similar or different to its neighbouring countries?

So far the wonderings presented by the students about who our neighbours are and what are the possible similarities and differences between them and Australia have been rather inquisitive and will prove to be great starting points as the students begin to investigate using research skills.

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St Bernadette's Lalor Park

St Bernadette's Lalor Park


  • 31 Aug 2024

    From Facebook
    We are celebrating this lovely young girl's birthday today! She is super excited to go hunting for her chocolate eggs with her family and opening all her birthday presents! I hope you get to have cup cakes for dessert!

    29 Aug 2024

    From Facebook
    Wishing this cheerful young lady a happy birthday today! She is super excited to use her birthday clues to go on her present hunt at home! I hope you get to eat lots of yummy chocolate cheese cake!


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