St Bernadette's Catholic Primary Lalor Park

On Wednesday of Week 10, Stage 3 participated in a liturgy that they had planned, wrote and ran demonstrating their understanding of our driving question - What makes a Church and how does it strive for Christian Unity?

Students chose the parts of the liturgy that they would like to be involved in and worked in small group workshops to plan, organise and create the different components of the liturgy.

St Bernadette's Catholic Primary Lalor Park

Students remained reverent throughout the liturgy and it was lovely to have Father John Paul and our parents and carers in attendance.

Well done Stage 3!


Written By

St Bernadette's Lalor Park

St Bernadette's Lalor Park


  • 31 Aug 2024

    From Facebook
    We are celebrating this lovely young girl's birthday today! She is super excited to go hunting for her chocolate eggs with her family and opening all her birthday presents! I hope you get to have cup cakes for dessert!

    29 Aug 2024

    From Facebook
    Wishing this cheerful young lady a happy birthday today! She is super excited to use her birthday clues to go on her present hunt at home! I hope you get to eat lots of yummy chocolate cheese cake!


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